Geoff Reiss is quoted as saying: “Project management is like juggling three balls – time, cost and quality. Program management is like a troupe of circus performers standing in a circle, each juggling-three balls and swapping balls from time to time.”
With that said, our Project and Program Managers have proven themselves to be true master acrobats! In over a quarter century worth of experience we have managed everything from the straight-forward to the most complex (e.g. managing a $22MM, 3-year project involving seven vendors in five time zones!)
We recognize that the P in PM actually stands for People. We focus on attentive listening, on engaged involvement, and we are proud to take ownership of the project as your trusted partner. Our skill and experience guides us through each milestone. Our agile methodology guarantees that you will have full visibility of the project as it unfolds.
We are with you each step of the way:
- Initiation
- Planning
- Execution
- Managing
- Delivery
Critically: You can always count on our objectivity and unbiased opinion to get you to your destination without surprises.
There is another saying in the field: “Projects have three components: Scope, Time, and Money. You get to pick any two.”
We make sure that at the end of the day, all three are in harmony, and your project a success.
Please contact us today to discuss your specific requirements.